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Existing functions and continuous improvements

One step ahead of the future

Digitalisierung des Pflichtenheftes

Digitization of the specification book

Manuelle Planung

Automated route plan / work plan

Automatic task generation to the smartphone of the janitor

Complete tasks via smartphone

Reporting with photo evidence via smartphone of the janitor

Reporting with photo evidence via smartphone

Real-time tracking of the janitor and his work

Real-time tracking of the tasks

Ticketing system - Helpdesk

Ticketing system - Helpdesk

Janitor to janitor assignment

Communication between employees

Map view of employees and work

Map view of employees and locations

Dashboard für den Facility Manager

Well structured Dashboard

Data import and export, and reporting

Data import and export, and reporting

Automatisierte und optimierte Routenplanung aufgrund von effektiven Tätigkeitszeiten

Automated and optimized route planning / work planning based on aritificial intelligence

What is ImmoTrack

ImmoTrack is a web-based software that makes the facility management of the future possible today.

With the facility management software from ImmoTrack, you benefit from the advantages of a digitized, optimized and automated workflow. Digitize your property-specific specifications and individual property criteria with ImmoTrack, record the periodicity of the corresponding activities and plan your resources sensibly and efficiently. Thanks to algorithms and artificial intelligence, ImmoTrack automatically and continuously suggests the ideal route plan / work plan for your employees and shows them the activities according to the recorded periodicity on their smartphone. Your employees receive a digitalized overview for an efficient and seamless workflow. ImmoTrack tracks the activities per property by means of GPS in real time and guarantees you as a property or facility manager maximum transparency and quality control.

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Was ist ImmoTrack


Setting up the FacilityManagement software

As a facility manager, you feed the ImmoTrack software with relevant information about your properties, the corresponding duties and periodicity, and the competencies of your employees.

    • Setting up the property
    • Recording the specifications
      As activity per property
    • Allocate periodicity per activity
    • Setting up employee profiles
      and their skills
    • Allocating properties
      to employees in the form
      of a work package

An initial effort that pays off, because the web application does all the rest for you.

Mobile working on the road

Via the mobile app, your employees automatically see which activities need to be completed at which properties. The task specifications are individually tailored to the properties and are based on the defined periodicity. Your employees can identify urgencies at a glance and document the tasks by means of status messages or mark activities as completed – with a corresponding photo as proof.

  • Daily activities per property according to periodicity
  • Self-postponed activities
  • Uncompleted activities
  • Tasks that expire
  • Unscheduled (ad-hoc) activities – ticket
  • Properties and/or activities can be
    be assigned to another employee
  • Task history
  • Different status options for property and activity

Clear monitoring for the facility manager

Keep track of everything thanks to a smart dashboard.
Navigate between different properties and filter e.g. the activities per employee and much more.
e.g. the activities per employee and much more. An environment map shows you the location of your employees and the status of activities in real time.

  • Heatmap with traffic light system
  • Surrounding map with your properties
    and employees
  • Activity status and status of the
    Properties in real time
  • Different views
  • Data export and reporting

Overview for the real estate manager

Keep track of your properties on an environment map where you can see the status of facility management staff activity in real time. Navigate between your different properties.

    • Surrounding map showing your properties
      and the facility management staff
    • Real-time task status and property status
    • Different views
    • Data export and reporting