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ImmoTrack helps Facility Management handle more jobs without increasing labor costs.

Dynamic cost structure for any size of company

Simple connection to existing systems

No additional software required for fullfilment

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Managen und überblicken Sie die Tätigkeiten Ihrer Facility-Management-Mitarbeitenden online inkl. Fotodokumenation.

Find time wasters through
great overview of
employee performance.

ImmoTrack always on Track.

ImmoTrack brings
Facility Management
to the next level

Digitalisierter und geführter Arbeitsprozess sowie ein unkompliziertes Fortschrittstracking dank Echtzeit-Daten.

Guaranteed error-free through
guided work process.

Die erfassten Zeiten der erledigten Tätigkeiten werden durch einen Algorithmus fortlaufend optimiert.

Automatic route planning / work planing
with artificial intelligence.

Eliminate manual planning
efforts through intelligent time
recording and automatic
route planning / work planing with GPS.

Completed work perfectly traceable
through standardised work
documentation via photo
directly in the app.

Identify bottlenecks quickly through
an optimal overview to be able
to process more orders.

The Team

Ofer Becker

Ofer Becker

Founder, Board of Directors and CEO

Jérémie Constant


Avi Schwarz

Avi Schwarz